Wow, can you believe another COPAS year is starting.  Where does time go?  Seems like yesterday when I worked as an auditor for Union Pacific Resources in Fort Worth.  My 33-year career in the oil & gas business has been good.  Of course, in any career we go through the “UPS” and “DOWNS” of working in Corporate America. For me, the “UPS” occurred many more times than the “DOWNS”.  During the “DOWN’ times, I laid low, stayed under the radar, kept doing my job to the best of my ability, and guess what, things change.  For instance, your mean old boss gets transferred or you move into another better job working for a great manager.  And the next thing you know, you’re out of the valley.  During the good times, the world is beautiful and during the bad times, we struggle but learn a lot about ourselves and life in general.  At times, this career ebb and flow is painful, but we push through it.  This ebb and flow is the nature of all careers.  Over my 33-year career I have learned so much about the oil & gas business and life.  I have also met so many brilliant and talented folks and made a lot of good friends.

So, for the folks who are just starting a new career in oil & gas.  Your progress will not always be a bed of roses but hang in there because things change quickly.  Before you know it, you will be back on top again, likely making more money.  Also, save as much money as you can and one day you will be able to RETIRE. Retirement is beautiful!!!

My goals as President of PASSA this year are:

  1. Provide the best Oil & Gas industry speakers to help broaden our Industry knowledge.
  2. Keep PASSA informed of all COPAS National’s meetings, events, and new publications.
  3. Grow our PASSA membership.

I thank all the folks that register this year.  The Executive Board and I are looking forward to serving you.